About the Artist

Stacy C Bottoms

Me painting

I started painting at a young age while visiting an art museum for painting lessons. While walking through the museum I hoped that my paintings would someday be exhibited in a museum. During the summers, my grandparent's farm provided the inspiration for my landscapes and transportation art. After high school I joined the Marines for tuition and I became a rifle range instructor. That's when I realized how much I enjoyed teaching others.

Years later I completed my Masters in Museum Studies from Johns Hopkins University. While in D.C. studying museums I walked to breakfast at the McDonalds near the White House.  Outside I noticed an elderly woman pushing a cart full of her belongings.  I walked inside to order and while waiting in line I saw her enter and sit down at a table.  Something told me to order breakfast for her so I did.  I took it to her and she was surprised but she said thank you and asked me to join her.  

As we talked I explained that I was a Hopkins grad student studying museums.  I also explained that I was completing my certification as an art teacher.  She looked at me and said that teaching is something that would impact the world more than any other career.  I enjoyed talking with her for a while and then I got up and wished her a good day. She was right about teaching.  I enjoy teaching art and helping others improve as artists. I was voted Teacher of the Year at my school in 2015. In 2016 I received the Fine Arts Educator of the Year award from the arts council in our county.

When I reflect on my work, I realize that being an artist is a blessing. I enjoy the painting process and I want to thank those who have purchased my original paintings and prints over the years. Painting really is like keeping a diary and sometimes I think about paintings that I've sold. I've also learned that having your art exhibited in a museum is nice but the internet can exhibit your art globally. The Hickory Museum of Art has exhibited my paintings and I exhibit my art online. I've also created art for a published children's book and painted murals for cities in North Carolina and Kentucky.

When I’m not teaching students, I offer individual art lessons in my studio and also online.
Keep in touch on my Link Tree below or click the contact link.
God bless you and keep making art!
-Stacy C Bottoms

More info on my Link Tree.

Copyright 2024 All images by Stacy C. Bottoms are protected by U.S. and international copyright laws and are not public domain. All rights reserved. Copying, altering, and/or distributing these images without permission is prohibited.